Film Title: Bear Me
Director: Kasia Wilk
Category: Animation
Country of Origin: Germany
Run time: 05.10
Tagline: Bear me
Cast & Crew:
Director – Kasia Wilk
Student Producer – Anna Matacz
Animation – Kasia Wilk
Character Design – Kasia Wilk
Production Design – Kasia Wilk
Technical Director – Felix Buccella
Music – Karol Obara
Sound – Karol Obara
Actors/Voices – Kasia Will
Compositing – Felix Bucella, Ore Peleg
Previous Awards:
1. FMX 2012, Stuttgart / Germany (08.-11.05.2012)
2. ITFS 2012, Stuttgart / Germany (08.-13.05.2012)
3. Lodzia po Wisle, Warsaw / Poland (13.-15.04.2012) – Best animation
4. Palm Springs International shorts fest, USA (19.-25.06.2012) – Best student animation
5. Bayside film festival, Australia (25.-28.07.2012)- International award Jump Cut competition
6. Open cinema, St.Petersburg / Russia (27.07.2012)
7. Pentedattilo film festival, Pentedattilo / Italy (24.-26.08.2012) – Best animation
8. FESA, Belgrade /Serbia (01.-02-09.2012) – First prize, Best student film
9. ANIMANIMA Festival, Cacak / Serbia (06.-09.09.2012)
10. Fantoche, Baden/Switzerland (04.-09.09.2012)
11. Jameson Cinefest, Miskolc / Hungary (14.-23.09.2012)
12. Arouca film festival, Arouca / Portugal (12.-14.09.2012)
13. Melaka art & performance festival, St.Paul´s Hill / Malaysia (21.-23.09.2012) – Best international animation
14. Anifest Rozafa, Shkodra / Albania (25.-29.09.2012)
15. Animage, Recife and Olinda / Brazil (26.-29.09.2012)
16. Polish film festival, Los Angeles / USA (09.-18.10.2012)
17. European Animated Film Festival BALKANIMA 2012, Belgrade / Serbia (02.-06.10.2012) – Best student animation
18. Canterbury Anifest, Canterbury / UK (05.-06.10.2012)
19. 3 D Wire 2012, Segovia / Spain (10.-14.10.2012)
20. TOFIFEST, Torun / Poland (20.-26.10.2012)
21. Primanima World festival of first animations, Budaörs / Hungary (25.-28.10.2012)
22. Chicago International Children´s film festival, Chicago / USA (26.10.-04.11.2012)
23. Sandfly Film festival, Blue Mountains / Newtown / Jervis Bay, Australia (03.-10.11.2012)
24. Reanimania, Yerevan / Armenia (03.-09.11.2012) Junior jury award for best film
25. KLIK Amsterdam, Amsterdam / Netherlands (07.-11.11.2012)
26. Cornwall Film festival / Reel women, Cornwall / UK (08.-11.11.2012)
27. California Independent film festival, Moraga and Orinda, CA /USA (08.-11.11.2012) / nominated for Best Student film and Best animation
28. Cinema St.Louis, USA (08.-18.11.2012)
29. Cinanima Int animated film festival, Espinho / Portugal(12-18.11.2012)
30. Bradford Animation Festival, Bradford / UK (13.-17.11.2012)
31. Short story film festival, Concord / New Hampshire (16.-17.11.2012)
32. Istanbul animation festival, Istanbul / Turkey (22.-27.11.2012)
33. FFest, Cluj / Romania (22.-26.11.2012) – Best animation
34. Short story film festival,Providence/Rhode Island (24.11.2012)-Audience award Heartstrings
35. Siggraph Asia 2012, Singapore / Singapore (28.11.-01.12.2012)
36. Filmschau Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart / Germany (28.11.-02.12.2012) – Best animation
37. MFFMW Ale Kino!, Poznan / Poland (02.-09.12.2012)
38. Capalbio Cinema ISFF, Capalbio / Italy (28.-31.12.2012) – Junior teens prize (2nd)
39. Premi Ciutat de Palma d’Animació Independent 2012, Palma de Mallorca / Spain (08.-10.01.2012)
40. Bamberger Kurzfilmtage, Bamberg / Germany (21-27.01.2013)
41. Anima Brussels, Flagey/ Belgium (08.-17.02.2013)
42. Flicks International Student Short Film Festival 2013, Groningen/Netherlands (13.-15.03.2013)
43. Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival, Landshut / Germany (13.-18.03.2013)
44. Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche, Regensburg / Germany (13.-20.03.2013)
45. Atlanta Film Festival, Atlanta / USA (15.-24.03.2013)
46. Festival international du film d´Aubagne, France (Off-competition)(18.-23.03.20
47. Holland animation film festival, Utrecht / Netherlands (20.-24.03.2013)
48. Int. Motion festival Cyprus, Nicosia / Cyprus (22.-24.03.2013)
49. Cleveland Int. film festival, Cleveland; OH / USA (03.-14.04.2013) – Jury Award for Best ANIMATED Short Film
50. Festival int. Du court metrage, Cergy-Pointoise / France (05.-07.04.2013)
51. Court mais bon, Espaly Saint Marcel / France (06.04.2013) – Jury´s prize