Film Title: Girl + Ghost
Director: Nik Wansbrough
Category: Short Film
Country of Origin: Australia
Run time: 11mins 3seconds
Tagline: The surreal tale of a lonely ghost, infatuated with the girl next door and the flirtatious postman who stands in the way of their love.

Cast & Crew:
Written and Directed by Nik Wansbrough
Produced by Sam Dignand
Director of Photography Michael O’Rourke
Editing, Production Design, Compositing and Animation by Nik Wansbrough
Original Score by Sam Dignand

The Girl – Chloe Morello
The Ghost – Krissan Pattugalan
The Postman – Hugh Bosman
The Girl Ghost – Isabelle Snowball
Costume Designer – Siobhan Carrigy
Colourist – Edward Saltau
Set Construction – Sam Dignand, Michael O’Rourke & Nik Wansbrough
Model Construction – Nik Wansbrough
Camera Assistant – Doug Warouw
Production Stills – Chris Fitzgerald
Studio Production Assistant – Jeremy Cox
Recording Engineer – Tony Hunter

Session Musicians:
Sam Dignand – piano
Emily Rice – cello Imogen Thompson – cello Dominique Coles – violin Matthew Witney – violin Tanyi Chan – violin

Post Production Facilities – Wildbear Entertainment
Studio Recording Facilities – ArtSound FM, Canberra

Special Thanks:
Geelong St Antique Centre – Artsound FM – Jai-Aree Tongbor – Sophia Hamblin Wang – Janet Lyell-Martin
Paul Wansbrough – Catriona Wansbrough – Kim Wansbrough – Geoffrey Ellis
Chris Bamford – Serge Ou – Matt Nightingale – Michael Tear – Nunzio Gambale – Harriet Pike

Previous Awards:
Canberra International Film Festival ACT, AU, 5/11/2015, Opening Night Film
Bar Harbour Film Festival, Maine, USA 23/10/15, Special Jury Prize – VA
Fargo Fantastic Film Festival, Fargo, ND, USA, 28/10/15, Official Selection
Crystal Palace International Film Festival, London, UK, 14/11/15, Official Selection
Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival, Tampa Bay, FL, USA, 6/12/2015, Nominated – Best Escapist Film
Dungog International Film Festival, Dungog, NSW, AU 28/11/15, Official Selection
Manchester Film Festival, Manchester, UK, 4/3/2016, Official Selection
Kinofilm Short Film Festival, Manchester, UK, 27/02/16, Official Selection
ArtNotApart Festival, ACT, AU, 19/03/16, Official Selection

Website: http://www.girlplusghost.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/girlplusghost
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4578872/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1a
Trailer: http://www.girlplusghost.com

Synopsis: In a strange and quiet suburb, a beautiful girl waits for the flirtatious postman to arrive each morning. Little does she know, across the street lives a lonely ghost, trapped in an old house, longing for her from afar. The ghost spends his days performing puppet shows portraying the magical life he wishes to share with the girl and wondering if he can win her heart before the postman sweeps her off her feet.