Film Title: Halcyon Heights
Director: Isla Ure
Category: Micro budget feature film
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Run time: 1:35:00
Tagline: Sometimes you can find strength and solace in the most unlikely of places.

Cast & Crew:
Isla Ure, Director; Passengers, This Is What It Feels Like, Home – Sophie Ray
Isla Ure, Writer; Passengers, This Is What It Feels Like, Millefeuille
Victoria Brittain, Producer; Territory
Kristin McIlquham, Producer; Snake Pit, Lady Luck, Once Removed
Reuben Johnson, Key Cast; Territory, The Weekender, Prisoner’s Wives, Casualty
Isla Ure, Key Cast; Candlestick, Territory, Red Dwarf, I Have A Bad Feeling About This
Mark Jordon, Key Cast; Emmerdale, Coronation Street, Rocket’s Island, Casualty, Heartbeat
Sheila Reid, Key Cast; Containment, The Albatross, Benidorm, Doctor Who
Diana Weston, Key Cast; The Upper Hand, My Family, Me and My Girl, Jonathan Creek, Casualty
Greg Patmore, Key Cast; The Trailer, The Assets, Vera, East, Law and Order: UK
Daisy May, Key Cast; Whitechapel, Inspector Lewis, Flatmates

Previous Awards:
Official Selection LA Cinefest

Website: https://www.facebook.com/HalcyonHeightsFilm/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HalcyonHeightsFilm/
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3057056/
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae_fJpvxSzE
Other: https://vimeo.com/111723739

Synopsis: In a home where there are a thousand unspoken words, Lucy detaches herself from those closest to her and consequently forms an unlikely attachment to a mere stranger. She’ll soon find out that this boy is trapped in an endless search to find where he belongs. HALCYON HEIGHTS follows the lives of these two misfits as they try to break the void that keeps them in solitude. They’ll see that one of the hardest things in life is to let go of the things that stop you from letting people in.