Film Title: It Plays Like Love
Director: Jeremy Waltman & Adam Lucas
Category: Feature
Country of Origin: USA
Run time: 71

Cast & Crew:
– Joshua Mikel, Actor
– Athena Masci, Actor
– Ted Limpert, Actor
– Claire Dellamar, Actor
– Toby Levin, Actor
– Alison Gregory, Actor
– John Schmedes, Actor
– Jeremy Waltman & Adam Lucas, Director/Writer/Producer
– Nils Arrington, Editor
– Alessandro Soares, Editor
– Nathan Levine-Heaney, Camera
– Filipe Bessa, Camera

Previous Awards:
– Atlanta Independent Film Festival Atlanta, GA, Winner-Best Feature, Best Screenplay, Best Actor, Best Actress
– North Carolina Film Awards Raleigh, NC, Director Award
– Southeastern International Film Festival, Official Selection
– Columbia Gorge International Film Festival WAHOUGAL, WA, Official Selection
– Eppfilms Indie Festival, Cleveland, OH, Official Selection
– New Jersey Film Festival New Brunswick, NJ, Official Selection
– The Valley Film Festival Los Angeles, CA, Official Selection
– CinemAvvenire Film Festival Rome, Italy, European Premiere
– Phoenix Film Festival Melbourne, Australia, Australian Premiere

Website: http://www.anopenplace.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anopenplace/
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3429514/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_1
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/134423031

Synopsis: A theatre company unravels when its two lead actors, both working to save their broken marriage, are cast in a self-indulgent play that makes them recreate the director’s recently-failed relationship.