Film Title: Messiah
Director: Mark Grabianowski
Category: Horror/Thriller
Country of Origin: USA
Run time: 9:30
Tagline: Be careful who you let in.

Cast & Crew:
Mark Grabianowski, Director/Producer
Justin J. McCoy, Writer/Producer
Megan Duffy “Courtney”
Rachel Langdon “Mysterious Woman”
Joey Kloberdanz “Paul”

Previous Awards:
Holy Shorts Monthly Screenings – Official Selection 2016
SENE Film Music Art Festival – Official Selection 2016
North Hollywood Cinefest – Nominee Best Horror Short
Polish Film Festival Los Angeles – Official Selection
Action on Film Festival – Official Selection

Website: http://www.messiahshortfilm.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/messiahshort/
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4558428/?ref_=fn_al_tt_5
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/158293066

Synopsis: “Messiah” tells the story of Courtney, who comes home on a seemingly normal day. Upon returning she has a mysterious visitor peddling a religious organization. Courtney’s day turns on end when she involuntarily finds herself in the middle of a dark and sinister secret.