Film Title: Ron Taylor: Dr. Baseball
Director: Drew Taylor and Matthew Taylor
Category: Short Documentary
Country of Origin: Canada
Run time: 19:30
Tagline: Ron Taylor was a Major League pitcher for 11 years winning two world championships. After a USO-Tour to Vietnam, he returned to school after his baseball career to become a physician.

Cast & Crew:
Ron Taylor
Joe Carter
Joe Torre
Bob Gibson
Lou Brock
Ferguson Jenkins
Pat Gillick
Tim McCarver
Art Shamsky
Cito Gaston
George Bell
Kelly Gruber
Paul Beeston
Mike Shannon.

Previous Awards:
Audience Choice Short Documentary Napa Valley Film Festival
Best Short Documentary Eugene International Film Festival
Best Short Documentary Orlando Film Festival
Audience Choice Short Film Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival
Critics Choice Regina International Film Festival
Peoples Choice Grand River Film Festival

Website: http://www.filmhouseinc.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rontaylorfilm/
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4722646/
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/154194094
Other: https://www.facebook.com/FilmHouseInc/

Synopsis: Ron Taylor: Dr. Baseball is the story of an 11-year major League pitcher, who after winning two world championships with the 1964 St. Louis Cardinals and the 1969 Miracle Mets, embarked on a USO tour through Vietnam that would change his life. After visiting field hospitals, Ron devoted the rest of his life to medicine, enrolling in Medical School at 35 and eventually becoming the team physician for the Toronto Blue Jays. Through interviews with former teammates and friends, his two sons uncover the course of their father’s life.