Film Title: The Blind Owl
Director: Mazdak Taebi
Category: Experimental
Country of Origin: Canada
Run time: 90 Minutes

Cast & Crew:
Writer/Director/Producer Mazdak Taebi
Producer David Antoniuk
The Owl Sasan Ghahreman
The Girl Tashdid Mania
Directors of Photography  Cameron Bryson, Rick Boston, Brett Hurd, Jeff Alderson
Composer Mehdi Rezania
Editor  Colm Caffrey
Post Production Supervisor Carrol Chiramel

Website: http://www.theblindowlmovie.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theblindowlmovie/
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4780674/
Trailer: https://youtu.be/cT5pBfflWEk

Synopsis: A surreal-noir psychological portrait of a man in despair after losing a mysterious lover.  Adapted for the screen by Mazdak Taebi from the classic Iranian novel by Sadegh Hedayat.  Shot over four seasons on location in Toronto.  “There are sores which slowly erode the mind in the solitude like a kind of canker”- Sadegh Hedayat