Film Title: The Maze
Director: Thomas Keumurian
Category: Experimental Romance
Country of Origin: France
Run time: 52 minutes
Tagline: Walk the Maze

Cast & Crew:
Starring: Mathias Zakhar, Cécile Fargue
Director of Photography : Pauline Penichout
Sound : Joffrey Bibard
Music : Emilio de Bortoli, Marie Lusson, Thomas K
Directed by Thomas Keumurian

Previous Awards:
Fargo Film Festival, 19th of March 2016
ReelHeART Film Festival, 04-09 2016

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMazeK/
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/128195893
Other: https://vimeo.com/128230522

Synopsis: This is the story of a young man lost in a maze, and a young woman, the one he loves and who loves him, looking for him.